When elites fail, the political order is likely to collapse, as happened to the defeated powers after first world war. 当精英们失败时,政治秩序就可能崩溃,一战后的战败国就是如此。
In some cases, the governors of the Han Dynasty restricted and made use of these social ballads in order to defend their sovereignty and maintain the social and political order. 但在一定的社会和政治背景下,汉代统治者也会对社会谣言加以疏导、利用或限制、打击,以维护其统治权威和社会政治秩序。
The implications of this transformation will be as profound for dynamics of the political order within rising states as for relations between them and established powers. 这种转变对新兴国家内部政治秩序格局的影响,将与它对新兴国家与老牌大国之间关系的影响一样深远。
The citizen may accept certain beliefs on faith because he or she is attached to a particular kind of political order or regime. 公民也许会接受特定信仰中的信念,因为他与特定的政治层级,或政体有关连。
China, however, is moving rapidly towards a modern economy and I ask Fukuyama how prosperity will affect its political order. 然而中国正朝着现代经济体的方向快速前进,我问福山,经济繁荣会如何影响其政治秩序。
So it should make it absolutely explicit that – whatever the disputes between the two nations – China accepts that Japan has a secure and honourable place in the emerging political order in Asia. 因此,中国应当绝对明确地表明:无论两国间存在哪些争执,中国都认可日本在亚洲正在成形的政治秩序中占据一个稳固而体面的位置。
Contrition cannot define a political order. 悔罪并不能决定政治秩序。
The expansion of the internal conflict will challenge the authority of the government and undermine the political order. 内部冲突的扩大会挑战政府权威、破坏政治秋序;
The third estate of the realm; the commons ( especially in Britain or France) viewed as forming a political order having representation in a parliament. 社会的第三等级;被认为是组成社会政治秩序的平民(尤其在英国和法国),在议会中有代表。
Second, working to establish a new international political order and a new international economic order. 第二条是建立国际政治新秩序和经济新秩序。
Just as it can take a major shock to achieve political order, so in the absence of shocks a well-ordered political society can get stuck. 就如重大冲击可以带来政治秩序一样,缺乏冲击也可能导致一个秩序良好的政治社会陷入困境。
In this new Asia, the US risks eventual marginalisation unless it more actively seeks to shape a new regional economic and political order. 在这个新的亚洲,美国如果不更积极地寻求塑造一个新的地区政治经济秩序,就有可能最终被边缘化。
A new political order is in place and the economy has recovered and grown since the turmoil of1998. 自从1998年动乱之后,新政治秩序形成,经济复苏并得到增长。
Two things have to be done at the same time. One is to establish a new international political order; the other is to establish a new international economic order. 世界上现在有两件事情要同时做,一个是建立国际政治新秩序,一个是建立国际经济新秩序。
A new international political order should also be established that would be in conformity with the new international economic order. 还应该建立国际政治新秩序,使它同国际经济新秩序相适应。
Should all of these become matters of fantasy the old political order is ended. 如果连这些问题都成为幻想的话,那旧有的政治制度就寿终正寝了。
For those who love symbolism, the Brics summit in Fortaleza, Brazil, this week will be a banner occasion, a remarkable demonstration of how the global political order is changing. 对喜欢象征主义说法的人士而言,本周在巴西福塔莱萨举行的金砖峰会将是一个标志性事件,凸显全球政治秩序正在发生什么样的变化。
The main role of the state, to Mr Putin and his entourage, is to keep political order; or, to put it differently, to protect the state and the vested interests of its bureaucracy. 对普京和他的部属来说,国家的主要任务是维持政治秩序「换句话说就是“维稳”,何其的相似」;
The rich should think deeply about rebuilding a social and political order that once again justifies great inequality. 富人应深刻考虑重建社会和政治秩序,再一次使不公平的扩大合理化。
Political order is the subject of political thinking and logical destination 政治秩序是政治思想的主题和逻辑归宿
The nod to the new political order would be fitting. 认同新的政治秩序是适时之举。
Moreover, ongoing warfare undermines the economic and social preconditions for restoring any meaningful political order in Libya. 此外,眼下进行的战争会削弱在利比亚重塑政治秩序的经济及社会前提。
As for a new international political order, I think the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, initiated by China and India, can withstand all tests. 至于国际政治新秩序,我认为,中印两国共同倡导的和平共处五项原则是最经得住考验的。
The technology issues of the political reign, political management and political participation constitute the technology issues of the political order, namely the political objectives. 政治统治的技术问题、政治管理的技术问题和政治参与的技术问题、政治秩序的技术功能构成了政治秩序的技术问题即政治目的;
Traditional oral forms of communication played a central role in the maintenance of social and political order. 传统的口头交际形式在维护社会和政治秩序中起着重要的作用。
International Financial Crisis and Establishing New International Economic and Political Order 国际金融危机与建立国际经济政治新秩序
The American writer and academic is in London to publicise his new book, The Origins of Political Order, about the development of political institutions throughout history. 这位美国作家兼学者来伦敦,是为了宣传他的新书&《秩序的起源》(TheOriginsofPoliticalOrder)。这本书讲述的是古往今来政治制度的发展历程。
Terence Chong, of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore, says: Political order and economic stability may go hand in hand, but there is increasing awareness, even within the PAP, that that may no longer work. 新加坡东南亚研究所(InstituteofSoutheastAsianStudies)的TerenceChong表示:政治秩序和经济稳定或许可以同时实现,但人们愈发意识到,这套理论可能不再有效,甚至人民行动党内部人士也这么认为。
The current international financial crisis has resulted from the old international economic and political order, especially the old international financial order. 这次国际金融危机是国际经济政治旧秩序特别是国际金融旧秩序的产物。